Monster Hunter Outlanders Is an Upcoming Game by Tencent and Capcom Tencent's TiMi Studio Group and Capcom are joining forces to bring the thrilling world of Monster Hunter to mobile devices with their upcoming title, Monster Hunter Outlanders. This open-world survival game promises an immersive experience for Android and iOS players. While a release date remains un
Dec 25,2024
Sony Acquires Majority Stake in Kadokawa for Strategic Partnership 索尼成为角川集团最大股东,建立战略资本与业务联盟 索尼公司现在是角川集团的最大股东,双方已建立战略资本与业务联盟。继续阅读以了解更多关于此协议的信息!索尼持有角川10%的股份。 角川集团保持独立 根据新的联盟协议,索尼以约500亿日元的价格收购了约1200万股新股。这些股份加上2021年2月之前收购的股份,现在使索尼拥有角川集团约10%的股份。今年11月早些时候,路透社报道称索尼计划收购角川集团。然而,此次合作使角川集团能够保持独立实体地位。 正如其新闻稿中所述,这项战略资本与业务联盟协议旨在加强两家公司之间的联系,以便通过联合投资和推广来“最大限度地提高两家公司的知识产权价值”,例如:专注
Dec 25,2024
Monster Hunter Celebrates New Year with Exclusive Quests and Enhanced Hunts Monster Hunter Now's Festive Season Extravaganza! Get ready for a double dose of holiday cheer in Monster Hunter Now! The annual Happy Hunting New Year celebration starts December 23rd, ushering in a week of end-of-year deals and exclusive in-game items to mark the end of 2024. This year's festivit
Dec 25,2024
Seekers Notes Unwraps Holiday Adventure Mytona's Seekers Notes, the popular hidden object puzzle game, is receiving a delightful holiday update! More than just a wintery coat of paint, this update boasts a new character, exciting events, and a brand-new location. Let's explore the festive additions! This update introduces the enchanting
Dec 25,2024
Game Pass' Expansive Ambitions Drive Price Hike Xbox Game Pass涨价,并推出新订阅等级 微软宣布上调Xbox Game Pass订阅服务的价格,并推出一个不包含“首发日”游戏的新等级。本文将详细解读这些变化以及Xbox的Game Pass战略。 相关视频 微软上调Xbox Game Pass价格 Game Pass价格上涨及新订阅等级发布 -------------------------------------------------------------- 7月10日起对新用户生效,9月12日起对现有用户生效 微软今日在其支持页面更新中宣布,Xbox Game Pass订阅服务的价格将上调。此次价格上涨影响到Xbox Ga
Dec 25,2024
Pokémon x Wallace & Gromit Studio is a Collab We Didn't Know We Needed Pokémon和Aardman动画公司携手打造2027年惊喜合作项目! 精灵宝可梦公司与久负盛名的英国动画工作室Aardman动画公司(《瓦力与格罗米特》、《肖恩羊》制作方)正式宣布,双方将展开长期合作,并于2027年推出全新合作项目。这一消息已通过双方官方X平台(原Twitter)以及精灵宝可梦公司官网新闻稿发布。 目前,合作项目的具体内容尚未公开,但鉴于Aardman动画公司以其独特的电影和剧集制作风格而闻名,该项目极有可能是一部电影或电视剧。新闻稿中写道:“此次合作将由Aardman动画公司运用其独特的叙事风格,为精灵宝可梦世界带来全新冒险。” 精灵宝可梦国际公司市场和媒体副总裁Tai
Dec 25,2024
Brighter Shores: Lost Shipment Retrieval Guide In Brighter Shores, the Brannof family requires your assistance to recover a lost shipment of vital weapons. This guide details how to complete "The Lost Shipment" quest. Quest Initiation: Locate Brannof Hall's Dining Room, accessible from Brannof Boulevard near the Town Square. Speak with Cohen;
Dec 25,2024
Obtain Figmental Weapon Coffers in FFXIV Unlocking the Adorable Figmental Weapons in FFXIV Patch 7.1! Patch 7.1 of Final Fantasy XIV introduces a charming new weapon hunt. However, obtaining these coveted Figmental Weapon Coffers requires patience and a bit of luck. This guide outlines the process. Table of Contents Obtaining Figmental W
Dec 25,2024
Fisch: How To Find All Energy Crystals Fisch能量水晶获取指南 Fisch的“北极探险”更新带来了一个充满独特挑战和丰厚奖励的新区域。玩家需要攀登一座高耸的山峰,即使在装备齐全的情况下呼吸也十分困难。但要获得该区域的最佳战利品,您必须找到一些特殊的水晶。本指南将详细介绍如何在Roblox游戏《Fisch》中找到所有能量水晶。 这些物品散落在山上的各个角落。然而,找到它们并非易事,因为每种水晶都有不同的获取条件。 相关内容: [如何在Fisch中捕捉北极星蛇](/how-catch-northstar-serpent-fisch/ "如何在Fisch中捕捉北极星蛇"). 游戏中你需要找到四个能量水晶,并将它们插入大型水晶中,才能
Dec 25,2024
Legendary Hero Sun Wukong Joins Watcher of Realms for Christmas Festivities Watcher of Realms is celebrating the holidays with a bang! Moonton's fantasy RPG is launching new heroes, free gifts, and more, including the highly anticipated addition of the mythological Sun Wukong. This festive season brings a plethora of freebies! Daily login events will reward players with th
Dec 24,2024
Warlock TetroPuzzle Is A Blend Of Candy Crush, Tetris And Dungeons Filled With Magic Maksym Matiushenko's new game, Warlock TetroPuzzle, blends the addictive gameplay of Tetris and Candy Crush. This puzzle game challenges players to strategically combine tiles and blocks to accumulate mana and conquer levels. Warlock TetroPuzzle Gameplay Players drop blocks onto a grid (10x10 or 11
Dec 24,2024
Black Myth: Wukong Leaked Ahead of Release Black Myth: Wukong - A Plea for Spoiler Avoidance Ahead of Launch With the highly anticipated release of Black Myth: Wukong just days away (August 20th), a recent leak of gameplay footage has sparked concerns among developers. Producer Feng Ji has urged players to avoid spoilers and prevent the fu
Dec 24,2024
OSRS Revives 'While Guthix Sleeps' with Modern Enhancements Exciting news for Old School RuneScape players! The classic Grandmaster quest, "While Guthix Sleeps," originally released in 2008, is back and better than ever. A completely rebuilt and reimagined version launches today, offering a thrilling adventure with updated challenges and rewards. This legen
Dec 24,2024
Nintendo and Piggyback Team on Metroid Prime Artbook Nintendo, Retro Studios, and Piggyback are joining forces to release a stunning Metroid Prime art book in Summer 2025. This exciting collaboration offers an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the development of the acclaimed Metroid Prime series. A Visual Retrospective of Metroid Prime (1-3) This m
Dec 24,2024
ZZZ Becomes Top 12 Most Played Game on the PS5 米哈游,广受欢迎的RPG游戏《原神》和《崩坏:星穹铁道》的开发商,凭借其最新推出的RPG游戏《Zenless Zone Zero》(ZZZ)在PlayStation平台上再创佳绩,成功跻身最受欢迎游戏排行榜,与索尼平台上的热门游戏并驾齐驱。 米哈游的PlayStation平台首发之作《ZZZ》取得成功 ZZZ进入PS5最受欢迎游戏前十 米哈游推出的全新免费开放世界动作RPG游戏《Zenless Zone Zero》在PlayStation平台上掀起波澜。米哈游以在二次元游戏和手游领域占据主导地位而闻名,如今,《Zenless Zone Zero》的多平台发行进一步扩展了其影响力。 该游戏表现持
Dec 24,2024