Roterra Rolls Out Labyrinth of Mind-Boggling Mazes Roterra Just Puzzles: A bite-sized puzzle adventure now available on iOS and Android! Celebrate the fifth anniversary of Dig-It Games' Roterra series with the newly released Roterra Just Puzzles! This latest installment offers a collection of concise, challenging levels from across the series, perfe
Dec 26,2024
Three Kingdom Heroes brings top-level AI challenges to chess-like duels, coming soon Koei Tecmo's latest Three Kingdoms title, Three Kingdoms Heroes, blends chess and shogi mechanics into a mobile action-strategy game. Players command iconic Three Kingdoms figures, each boasting unique abilities and strategic options. However, the game's standout feature is its GARYU AI, a challen
Dec 26,2024
Borderlands 4: Early Access Delights Fans 患癌的《无主之地》粉丝Caleb McAlpine在游戏社区和Gearbox的帮助下,提前体验了《无主之地4》,圆了他的一个梦。让我们一起来了解一下他令人鼓舞的经历。 Gearbox实现了一位粉丝的愿望 《无主之地4》抢先体验 一位身患癌症的忠实《无主之地》粉丝Caleb McAlpine,实现了多年来一直想玩即将推出的射击游戏《无主之地4》的愿望。11月26日,他在Reddit上发帖,讲述了Gearbox公司将他邀请到工作室,让他与开发人员会面,并试玩这款备受期待的游戏的经历。 Caleb描述了他体验《无主之地4》的感受:“我们玩到了目前《无主之地4》已完成的部分,太棒了!”他还简要回顾了这
Dec 26,2024
Crowded Release Calendar Threatens New IP Success Bandai Namco 欧洲 CEO 警告:新 IP 面临发行计划拥挤的风险 Bandai Namco 欧洲首席执行官 Arnaud Muller 表示,发行商在规划游戏发行方面面临新的挑战。本文将深入探讨 Muller 的声明及其对新 IP 发行的影响。 成本上升和不可预测的发行计划带来不确定性 2024 年对许多电子游戏开发者来说是具有变革性的一年,Bandai Namco 也身处其中。据该公司欧洲首席执行官 Arnaud Muller 透露,他们一直在应对经济不确定性和日益拥挤的发行日历带来的挑战。在最近的一次采访中,Muller 分享了他对 Bandai Namco 等发行商在规划未
Dec 26,2024
Exclusive HSR Codes Revealed: Enhance Your Gaming Journey Honkai Star Rail兑换码大全(2024年12月20日更新) 获取额外游戏资源的好方法!无需付费或额外游戏时间,即可轻松获得丰厚奖励。以下列出了目前可用的《崩坏:星穹铁道》兑换码,每个兑换码仅限使用一次,奖励内容各不相同。 所有《崩坏:星穹铁道》兑换码列表 首先,我们列出所有常规的《崩坏:星穹铁道》兑换码,这些兑换码通常会不定期发布,且无预告。以下所有兑换码均为当前可用兑换码: (新增) STARRAILTREND2024: 免费奖励 THANKSPOMPOM: 免费奖励 TINGYUNISBACK: 免费奖励 HAPPYSUNDAY: 100星琼和4个精炼以太 DSJK
Dec 26,2024
City-Building Sim Stronghold Castles Is Now Out On Android! Firefly Studios, renowned for its popular Stronghold series, has launched a new mobile game: Stronghold Castles. This latest installment retains the series' signature blend of castle building, resource management, and strategic combat. Build Your Medieval Empire! In Stronghold Castles, you assume t
Dec 26,2024
Grab Exclusive 5-Star Sylus Memory Pairs in Love and Deepspace during Where Drakeshadows Fall Love and Deepspace's upcoming "Where Drakeshadows Fall" event spotlights the charismatic Sylus. This event focuses entirely on Sylus, showcasing his captivating backstory and stunning attire. Event Breakdown The "Abyssal Splendor" event runs December 2nd-16th. Players explore Zone N109, searching f
Dec 26,2024
[Exclusive] Stray Cat Doors Unveils Captivating Puzzle Game: 'Stray Cat Falling' Pulsmo's latest feline-themed game, Liquid Cat - Stray Cat Falling, ditches the door-centric gameplay of its predecessors for a unique liquid cat puzzle experience. Forget adventure; this is a charming, physics-based puzzle game where you tap, swipe, and drop colorful cat blocks. What's the Gamepla
Dec 26,2024
Netflix Releases "The Dragon Prince: Xadia" Action RPG on Android Netflix's hit animated series, The Dragon Prince, now has its own action RPG (ARPG) mobile game: The Dragon Prince: Xadia, available for Android devices! Fans of the show will be thrilled to explore the fantastical world of Xadia in this new adventure. What Awaits in Xadia? Level up familiar heroes
Dec 25,2024
Pokémon Go Update: Dual Destiny Expands GO Battle League Get ready for electrifying Pokémon Go battles! The new Dual Destiny season brings rank resets, exciting rewards, and powerful Pokémon encounters. Starting December 3rd, jump into the GO Battle League and compete for end-of-season prizes based on your rank. This update boasts fantastic bonuses: win
Dec 25,2024
Alabaster Dawn, New 喜欢《CrossCode》和2.5D风格RPG的玩家们,Radical Fish Games刚刚宣布了他们即将推出的游戏《Alabaster Dawn》,这是一款2.5D动作RPG,你将在游戏中引导人类在被女神“灭霸式”消灭后重返世间。继续阅读工作室的公告。 Radical Fish Games 宣布推出全新动作 RPG《Alabaster Dawn》 工作室今年将参加 Gamescom 展会 Radical Fish Games,《CrossCode》这款广受好评的动作RPG背后的工作室,正式公布了他们的下一款游戏:《Alabaster Dawn》。这款游戏此前被称为“Project Ter
Dec 25,2024
Second Life Mobile Public Beta Arrives Second Life's mobile beta is finally here! The popular MMO, previously only available on PC, is now launching a public beta test on iOS and Android. Premium subscribers can access the beta immediately. However, there's no word yet on when free-to-play access will be available. While requiring a P
Dec 25,2024
Indiana Jones Embraces Melee Combat in 'Great Circle MachineGames and Bethesda's upcoming Indiana Jones title, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, will prioritize close-quarters combat over gunfights, according to the development team. This design choice reflects the character's iconic fighting style. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: A Focus on
Dec 25,2024
EA Shifts Focus, Breaks Away from Sims Sequel Cycle EA放弃续作模式,The Sims宇宙持续扩张!告别线性续作,拥抱持续更新! 多年来,关于《模拟人生5》续作的猜测不断涌现,但EA似乎正从系列的编号发行中彻底转向。继续阅读,了解EA扩展“模拟人生宇宙”的计划。 EA计划扩展“模拟人生宇宙” 《模拟人生4》仍是系列基石 数十年来,模拟人生玩家们一直热切期待着这款模拟人生系列游戏的下一个编号作品。然而,艺电(EA)却出人意料地宣布了《模拟人生》系列的一个大胆的新方向,摆脱了传统的编号续作模式。未来并非传统的《模拟人生5》,而是一个涵盖《模拟人生4》、《Project Rene》、《我的模拟人生》和《模拟人生免费版》四个游戏持续更新的庞大平台。 线
Dec 25,2024
Sonic Rumble, Rovio\'s first foray into the Sonicverse, opens pre-registration for iOS and Android Get ready for Sonic Rumble, the upcoming 32-player battle royale game now open for pre-registration on Android, iOS, and PC! Developed by Rovio (creators of Angry Birds) and published by Sega, this marks a significant mobile gaming venture for the iconic blue hedgehog. Prepare for fast-paced action
Dec 25,2024