In the whimsical world of "Business at Demon Castle!", the king's beloved princess has been kidnapped by the Demon King! But fear not, for this isn't your typical fantasy rescue mission. Instead of valiant knights, the unlikely hero is… a merchant's father!
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Forced into action by a desperate king, this resourceful old man must use his unique skills to conquer the Demon Castle. Forget swords and sorcery; his weapons are the tools of his trade!
Game Features:
- An Unconventional Hero: A gold-seeking merchant's father takes center stage in this hilarious adventure.
- Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Recruit friends to join your unlikely band of heroes and conquer the Demon Castle together!
- Business is Booming: Utilize your business acumen to thrive within the Demon Castle's walls. Prosperity is key to supporting your team!
- A Diverse Workforce: Hire friends and assign them various jobs to maximize your potential.
- Upgrade Your Team: If your enemies prove too formidable, bolster your companions' strength by purchasing weapons and items.
- Royal Assistance: The king, desperate to save his daughter, will provide invaluable support to the merchant's father's endeavors.
Prepare for a unique blend of fantasy and business strategy in "Business at Demon Castle!" It's an adventure unlike any other!
Tags : Adventure