Mastering the Dice Game in Kingdom Come: Delivance 2 : Przewodnik po nabyciu wszystkich odznaki
Gra Dice w Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 stanowi lukratywną okazję do zgromadzenia Groschena, szczególnie ze strategiczną przewagą. W tym przewodniku opisuje nabycie wszystkich 31 odznak w grze.
Wszystkie lokalizacje odznak w Kingdom Come: Delivance 2
Poniższa tabela zawiera wszystkie 31 odznak, ich efekty i znane lokalizacje. Zauważ, że niektóre lokalizacje są nadal „ustalone” (TBD).
Badge | Effect | Location |
Tin Doppelganger’s Badge | Doubles the points of your last throw. (Once per game) | TBD |
Tin Badge of Headstart | Small point headstart. | TBD |
Tin Badge of Defence | Cancels opponent's Tin badges. | TBD |
Tin Badge of Fortune | Reroll one die. (Once per game) | TBD |
Tin Badge of Might | Add one extra die. (Once per game) | TBD |
Tin Badge of Transmutation | Change one die to a 3. (Once per game) | TBD |
Carpenter’s Badge of Advantage | 3+5 forms "Cut" formation. (Repeatable) | TBD |
Tin Warlord’s Badge | 25% more points this turn. (Once per game) | Looted from Ursula’s Mother during "All’s Fair" quest. |
Tin Badge of Resurrection | Reroll after an unlucky throw. (Once per game) | TBD |
Silver Doppelganger’s Badge | Doubles the points of your last throw. (Twice per game) | Looted from a soldier on the balcony in Trosky Castle during "Storm" quest. |
Silver Badge of Headstart | Moderate point headstart. | TBD |
Silver Badge of Defence | Cancels opponent's Silver badges. | TBD |
Silver Swap-Out Badge | Reroll one die. (Once per game) | TBD |
Silver Badge of Fortune | Reroll up to two dice. (Once per game) | TBD |
Silver Badge of Might | Add one extra die. (Twice per game) | TBD |
Silver Badge of Transmutation | Change one die to a 5. (Once per game) | TBD |
Executioner’s Badge of Advantage | 4+5+6 forms "Gallows" formation. (Repeatable) | TBD |
Silver Warlord’s Badge | 50% more points this turn. (Once per game) | Looted from the Scribe’s Chambers in Trosky Castle during "Storm" quest; also found in a hard lockpicking chest in Hendi von Grolle’s room during "The Fifth Commandment" quest. |
Silver Badge of Resurrection | Reroll after an unlucky throw. (Twice per game) | TBD |
Silver King’s Badge | Add one extra die. (Twice per game) | TBD |
Gold Doppelganger Badge | Doubles points from last throw. (Thrice per game) | TBD |
Gold Badge of Headstart | Large point headstart. | TBD |
Gold Badge of Defence | Cancels opponent's Gold badges. | TBD |
Gold Swap-Out Badge | Reroll two dice of the same value. (Once per game) | TBD |
Gold Badge of Fortune | Reroll up to three dice. (Once per game) | TBD |
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