ニュース 王国のすべての称賛を得る2


by Zachary Feb 19,2025


Kingdom Come:Deliverance 2 :すべてのバッジを取得するためのガイドのマスター

  • Kingdom Come:Deliverance 2 *のサイコロゲームは、特に戦略的な利点を持って、Groschenを蓄積する有利な機会を提供します。このガイドは、ゲーム内の31バッジすべての取得について詳しく説明しています。



Tin Doppelganger’s BadgeDoubles the points of your last throw. (Once per game)TBD
Tin Badge of HeadstartSmall point headstart.TBD
Tin Badge of DefenceCancels opponent's Tin badges.TBD
Tin Badge of FortuneReroll one die. (Once per game)TBD
Tin Badge of MightAdd one extra die. (Once per game)TBD
Tin Badge of TransmutationChange one die to a 3. (Once per game)TBD
Carpenter’s Badge of Advantage3+5 forms "Cut" formation. (Repeatable)TBD
Tin Warlord’s Badge25% more points this turn. (Once per game)Looted from Ursula’s Mother during "All’s Fair" quest.
Tin Badge of ResurrectionReroll after an unlucky throw. (Once per game)TBD
Silver Doppelganger’s BadgeDoubles the points of your last throw. (Twice per game)Looted from a soldier on the balcony in Trosky Castle during "Storm" quest.
Silver Badge of HeadstartModerate point headstart.TBD
Silver Badge of DefenceCancels opponent's Silver badges.TBD
Silver Swap-Out BadgeReroll one die. (Once per game)TBD
Silver Badge of FortuneReroll up to two dice. (Once per game)TBD
Silver Badge of MightAdd one extra die. (Twice per game)TBD
Silver Badge of TransmutationChange one die to a 5. (Once per game)TBD
Executioner’s Badge of Advantage4+5+6 forms "Gallows" formation. (Repeatable)TBD
Silver Warlord’s Badge50% more points this turn. (Once per game)Looted from the Scribe’s Chambers in Trosky Castle during "Storm" quest; also found in a hard lockpicking chest in Hendi von Grolle’s room during "The Fifth Commandment" quest.
Silver Badge of ResurrectionReroll after an unlucky throw. (Twice per game)TBD
Silver King’s BadgeAdd one extra die. (Twice per game)TBD
Gold Doppelganger BadgeDoubles points from last throw. (Thrice per game)TBD
Gold Badge of HeadstartLarge point headstart.TBD
Gold Badge of DefenceCancels opponent's Gold badges.TBD
Gold Swap-Out BadgeReroll two dice of the same value. (Once per game)TBD
Gold Badge of FortuneReroll up to three dice. (Once per game)TBD

金> < (ゲームごとに3回)「不正な」クエスト中に浴場の所有者アダムオフィスのハードロックピッキングチェストから略奪されました。 > 1つのダイを1に変更します。(ゲームごとに1回)< 「フォーメーション。 (繰り返し)tbd ゴールドウォーロードのバッジこのターンをダブルポイントします。 (ゲームごとに1回)tbd 復活のゴールドバッジ不運なスローの後に再ロールします。 (ゲームごとに3回)tbd ゴールド皇帝のバッジ1+1+1層のトリプルポイント。 (繰り返し)tbd < (ゲームごとに1回)Innkeeper Bettyに対するサイコロゲームに勝つことで取得しました。さらに Kingdomが来る:Reverance 2 ロマンスオプションや最適な特典の選択を含む戦略は、Espapistに相談してください。