Home News Pokemon Pocket: The Best Mew ex Deck Build

Pokemon Pocket: The Best Mew ex Deck Build

by Peyton Mar 01,2025

Mew ex: A Comprehensive Guide for Pokémon Pocket Players

The introduction of Mew ex in Pokémon Pocket has significantly altered the game's meta. While Pikachu and Mewtwo remain dominant, Mew ex offers a compelling counter and synergistic potential, particularly within Mewtwo ex decks. Its full impact is still unfolding, but its versatility is undeniable.

This guide explores Mew ex's strengths, weaknesses, optimal deck strategies, counter-strategies, and overall viability.

Mew ex Card Overview

  • HP: 130
  • Attack 1 (Psyshot): 20 damage (requires one Psychic-type Energy).
  • Attack 2 (Genome Hacking): Copies one attack from your opponent's Active Pokémon. Energy type is irrelevant.
  • Weakness: Dark-type

Mew ex's ability to replicate opponent attacks makes it a potent tech card capable of surprising one-shot knockouts, even against top-tier Pokémon like Mewtwo ex. Its versatility extends beyond Psychic-type decks due to Genome Hacking's energy-agnostic nature. Synergizing with Budding Expeditioner further enhances its utility, providing a pseudo-Retreat effect and healing.

The Best Deck for Mew ex

Currently, Mew ex thrives within a refined Mewtwo ex/Gardevoir deck. This strategy leverages the synergy between Mew ex's mirroring capabilities, Mewtwo ex's offensive power, and Gardevoir's energy support. The inclusion of Mythical Slab and Budding Expeditioner is crucial for deck consistency and Mew ex's survivability. A sample decklist follows:

Card Quantity
Mew ex 2
Ralts 2
Kirlia 2
Gardevoir 2
Mewtwo ex 2
Budding Expeditioner 1
Poké Ball 2
Professor's Research 2
Mythical Slab 2
X Speed 1
Sabrina 2

Key Synergies:

  • Mew ex acts as a damage sponge and powerful counter to opponent ex Pokémon.
  • Budding Expeditioner facilitates Mew ex's retreat when Mewtwo ex is ready to attack.
  • Mythical Slab enhances the consistency of Psychic-type draws.
  • Gardevoir accelerates energy accumulation for both Mew ex and Mewtwo ex.
  • Mewtwo ex serves as the primary damage dealer.

How to Play Mew ex Effectively

1. Prioritize Adaptability: Mew ex's role is fluid. It can act as a defensive wall early game, but its effectiveness hinges on drawing the right support cards. Be prepared to adjust your strategy based on the cards you draw and your opponent's actions.

2. Avoid Conditional Attacks: Carefully consider the conditions of an opponent's attack before copying it. Failing to meet those conditions renders Genome Hacking ineffective.

3. Utilize Mew ex as a Tech Card: Don't rely solely on Mew ex for damage output. Its primary value lies in its ability to disrupt opponent strategies and secure key knockouts. Its high HP makes it a valuable defensive asset.

How to Counter Mew ex

The most effective counter to Mew ex is utilizing Pokémon with conditional attacks. For example, Pikachu ex's Circle Circuit requires Lightning-type Pokémon on the bench, rendering it useless if copied by a Psychic-type Mew ex deck. Similarly, Nidoqueen's attack is significantly weaker without multiple Nidoking on the bench. Another strategy involves using a tanky Pokémon with minimal damage as the Active Pokémon, denying Mew ex a powerful attack to copy.

Mew ex Deck Review

Mew ex is steadily impacting the Pokémon Pocket meta. While a Mew ex-centric deck may lack consistency, its inclusion in established Psychic-type decks significantly enhances their overall power and adaptability. Its versatility makes it a valuable asset for competitive players. Experimentation with Mew ex is highly recommended for those aiming for competitive success in Pokémon Pocket.