Webzen, renowned for MU Online and R2 Online, unveiled its latest creation, TERBIS, at Tokyo's Summer Comiket 2024. This cross-platform (PC/Mobile) character-collecting RPG is generating significant buzz.
TERBIS boasts stunning anime-style visuals sure to captivate fans. Each character possesses a rich backstory, enriching the gameplay experience. Real-time combat adds a dynamic layer, with diverse character abilities and strategic team formations influencing battle outcomes.
The TERBIS booth at Summer Comiket 2024 was a major draw. Attendees eagerly collected exclusive merchandise like bags and fans, while cosplayers brought the game's characters to life. Interactive activities further fueled the excitement.
The event, held at Tokyo Big Sight (August 11-12), attracted over 260,000 visitors, showcasing its immense popularity.
Stay updated on TERBIS through its Japanese and Korean X (formerly Twitter) accounts. Don't miss out on future news and updates!