首頁 新聞 漫威正在探索捍衛者團聚的方法


by Liam Mar 17,2025


In a recent extensive profile in Entertainment Weekly , Brad Winderbaum, Marvel Studios' head of streaming and TV, hinted at the possibility of reuniting the street-level heroes of Daredevil , Luke Cage , Jessica Jones , and Iron Fist , collectively known as The Defenders.

While nothing is confirmed, Winderbaum stated, "It's certainly exciting to be able to play in that sandbox… Obviously, we don't have the unlimited storytelling resources like a comic book, [where] if you can draw it, you can do it. We're dealing with actors and time and the massive scale of production in order to build a cinematic universe, especially on television.”

He continued, "But I can just say that all those variables taken into account, it is certainly something that is creatively extremely exciting and that we are very much exploring.”

我們知道 * * daredevil:重生 *將直接繼續從Netflix繼續進行Daredevil的故事。 Netflix先前主持了自己的較小漫威宇宙,其中包括 *Jessica Jones *, *Iron Fist *和 *Luke Cage *。 Winderbaum's comments suggest *Daredevil: Born Again* could serve as a springboard to revive these characters on Disney+ under Disney's creative direction.新賽季已經以喬恩·伯恩塔爾(Jon Bernthal)的懲罰者為特色,這是Netflix英雄的另一個成功轉會。

就目前而言,我們在3月4日重新出生《 Daredevil:重生》,然後進一步猜測其與更廣泛的MCU的潛在聯繫。