Santa Monica Studio, renowned for its God of War franchise, is fueling speculation about a new, unannounced project. Glauco Longhi, a character artist and developer who recently rejoined the studio, hints at this in his LinkedIn profile. He describes overseeing character development for an "unannounced project," suggesting a significant undertaking. Longhi's previous work includes key roles on God of War (2018) and Ragnarok. His current involvement indicates a substantial commitment to this new title.
The studio's creative director, Cory Barlog, has previously mentioned diverse projects underway. This aligns with Longhi's update and recent job postings on the Santa Monica Studio website for character artists and tools programmers, signaling expansion and active development.
Rumors point toward a sci-fi setting for this mystery game. While unconfirmed, this aligns with past speculation and a previously rumored, potentially canceled, PS4 sci-fi project associated with the studio. Furthermore, Sony's trademarking of "Intergalactic The Heretic Prophet" earlier this year adds another layer to the intrigue, although no further details have emerged. While the involvement of God of War 3's creative director, Stig Asmussen, is speculated, it remains unconfirmed. The mystery continues, leaving fans eagerly awaiting an official announcement.