Home News Path of Exile 2: How to Use FilterBlade

Path of Exile 2: How to Use FilterBlade

by Eric Mar 18,2025

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Mastering Path of Exile 2's endgame demands a well-tuned loot filter. These filters drastically reduce screen clutter, making mapping manageable and focusing your attention on valuable items. FilterBlade, the popular filter manager from Path of Exile 1, now supports PoE 2, offering a streamlined and customizable experience.

How to Set Up FilterBlade Loot Filters in Path of Exile 2

Setting up FilterBlade is straightforward:

  1. Visit the FilterBlade website.
  2. Select "PoE 2." The default NeverSink filter will be pre-selected.
  3. Adjust the Strictness slider (explained below).
  4. Go to the "Export to PoE" tab (top right).
  5. Name your filter.
  6. Click "Sync" or "Download." "Sync" automatically updates your PoE 2 filter with FilterBlade changes; "Download" saves the filter to your PC, allowing you to compare different strictness levels offline.
  7. In PoE 2, navigate to Options -> Game. If you synced, select your FilterBlade filter from the Item Filter dropdown. If you downloaded, use the folder icon to locate your downloaded filter.

That's it! Your FilterBlade loot filter is ready.

Which Loot Filter Strictness Should You Choose?

NeverSink's FilterBlade offers seven strictness levels:

StrictnessEffectBest For
SoftHighlights valuable materials and items; shows everything else.Act 1-2
RegularHides only useless items.Act 3
Semi-StrictHides low-potential/limited-value items.Act 4-6
StrictHides most items without high turnover.Early Mapping (Waystones 1-6)
Very StrictHides low-value rares and crafting bases; hides Waystones 1-6.Mid to late mapping (Waystones 7+)
Uber StrictHides almost all non-tiered rares and crafting bases; highlights currency; hides Waystones 1-13.Late mapping (Waystones 14+)
Uber Plus StrictHides almost everything except valuable currency and high-return items; hides Waystones 1-14.Ultra endgame mapping (Waystones 15-18)

For returning players, Semi-Strict is a good starting point. Soft and Regular are ideal for fresh league starts. Pressing ALT (PC) highlights hidden items, though their names will be minimized depending on your strictness level.

How to Customize FilterBlade Loot Filter in PoE 2

FilterBlade's strength lies in its easy customization.

How to Use the Customize Tab in FilterBlade

The "Customize" tab lets you modify almost every aspect of the filter. Search for specific items (e.g., "Divine Orb") to easily adjust their appearance and sound. Click the in-game showcase icon to preview sounds.

How to Change Colors and Sounds in FilterBlade

Adjust colors and sounds individually in the "Customize" tab, or use the "Styles" tab for filter-wide changes. You can even add custom sounds (.mp3). Experiment with community-created Modules for pre-made visual and auditory adjustments.