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Baldur's Gate 3 offers a wealth of romance options, but some, like the encounter with Naoise Nallinto at Sharess' Caress, are easily missed. This guide details how to find and romance Naoise, a quick and intriguing encounter during a pivotal moment in Act III.
Where to Find Naoise Nallinto in Baldur's Gate 3
### Reaching Sharess' Caress:
To meet Naoise, you must progress to the early stages of Act III. While traveling towards Baldur's Gate, you'll pass through Wyrm's Crossing. Your first visit will lead you to Raphael at Sharess' Caress, a brothel located on the eastern side of the bridge leading into Baldur's Gate. If you've already explored Wyrm's Crossing, use the South Span fast-travel point for direct access to Sharess' Caress.
Locating the Nymph's Grotto:
Naoise resides in the Nymph's Grotto, a chamber on the second floor. Look for a door with a green light and ivy—it's locked, but easily pickable with a lockpicking roll of 10 or higher.
How to Romance Naoise Nallinto in Baldur's Gate 3
### Initiating the Encounter:
Inside, you'll find Naoise with Jara, a Flaming Heart soldier. Interrupting their private moment will upset Jara, triggering a dialogue sequence. Choosing "Whoever you think I am, you're mistaken" initiates a confrontation, leading to Jara's transformation into a Mindflayer. Defeat her to proceed.
Naoise will then reveal her unexpected attraction to Mindflayers. Selecting "Your client is dead. I thought you'd be more upset." shows disinterest in Jara's demise, opening the door to romance. A successful Insight check will reveal Naoise's receptiveness. Continuing with "That creature aroused you, didn't it?", followed by "What did you have in mind?" and "Close your eyes and listen," leads to the romance scene.
This mental encounter prompts Naoise to ask, "What will you be?" Options include Revered, Contented, Powerful, Rich, or declining. Choosing "Contented" leads to a brief romantic scene. Note that this encounter is unique—subsequent visits will only yield a refusal. Even with an existing relationship (like with Karlach in our playthrough), this encounter seems to be accepted by other companions.
Successfully romancing Naoise grants the "Rapture" boon, providing a passive +1d6 to most ability checks. Shadowheart will also reward you with the "Carnal Rituals of Sharess" inspiration point.